Sunday 25 July 2010

Cina Bodoh Penyamun Petrol Negara

Apparently the Singaporeans are pissed that we decided to stop selling them subsidized petrol. The Star has the report here and reproduced below, along with my comments in red.

S’poreans fume over fuel ruling


JOHOR BARU: Singaporeans are complaining that a ruling banning foreign-registered vehicles from filling up with RON 95 petrol is unfair to them.

They are also confused about whether they are totally prohibited from buying petrol in Malaysia or if they are allowed to buy limited quantities of lower grade fuel.

For most Singaporeans, apparently, it is the cheaper fuel here that draws them to Malaysia and Johor in particular.

Singaporean civil servant Tok Eng Seng, 38, said the frequent changes in the petrol ruling were confusing.

“We spend a lot of money here and we should be allowed to fill up with whichever type of petrol we want,” he added.

The fact that you spend money here and your demand of a subsidized petrol is two separate matters laa bodoh! You want to come here shopping, you come lah but your spending here doesn't qualify you to get petrol subsidized by the Malaysian Government and taxpayers. You don't pay taxes to Malaysian Government, you don't work in Malaysia, so why would you expect Malaysian taxpayers to finance your petrol consumption? Dumb shit.

Another Singaporean, property agent Eric Tan, 43, said the lower price of fuel was the only attraction that led to many Singaporeans coming to the state.

“I believe sales of products in Johor Baru will go down once the ruling is enforced,” he said, adding that the move was bad for Malaysia’s tourism.

Waaahhh... suddenly the "Eric" Ah Beng bugger is not only a property agent but also an economist as well as a big shot in tourism industry with uncanny ability to predict the future. Tell me ah, if the lower price of our petrol is "the only attraction" to you cheapskate chinkies, then why the hell do you care if "sales of products in Johor baru will go down"? Since when is our economy is any of your concern?

Art, photography and design executive Alex Soh, 37, also felt that many Singaporeans would not come to Johor if the price of petrol was increased.

“Cheaper petrol is one of the major attractions,” he added.

So don't come. Piss off.

Derrick Cheng, 53, said many Singaporeans were unclear about the issue.

“I heard people saying that the price of petrol would go up while others say that we (Singaporeans) can still buy the lower grade of petrol but are only allowed to purchase 20 litres,” he said.

“It is unfair to charge separate rates for foreigners because it doesn’t comply with the free trade system that is supposed to be practised by the Malaysian Government,” he added.

First off, you're a stupid asshole because you're too lazy do a detailed research on the matter but instead rely on what you "heard people saying..". Secondly, a stupid asshole cheapskate chinkie like you knows nothing about free trade so stop making a fool out of yourself. And how the fuck is denying our subsidised petrol to foreigners is an unfair practice? What kind of stupid logic is this? Do you pay taxes to the Malaysian Government? Do you work in Malaysia? Do you contribute anything towards Malaysian nation-building? So how the fuck is us Malaysians having to pay for your petrol being fair to you? Bodoh gile sial!

Salesman Ken Tan, 28, said there were traffic jams at the Causeway and because of that, many Singaporeans expected cheaper petrol when they return to their country.

If the traffic jam is the problem then car-pool laa stupid. Or use motorcycles. Or fill up your tank before you come to Malaysia. Dumb ass.

Brandon Teh, 26, a Malaysian who drives a Singapore-registered car, is even more puzzled by the changes in petrol purchase.

“I am a Malaysian and I deserve to get subsidised fuel. But now, I’m stuck,” said the sales executive.

Why the fuck would you register your car in Singapore you stupid dumb ass? Unless you want to be a Singaporean, but at the same time continue to benefit-steal from Malaysia. Typical otak cina bukit, nama aje "Brandon" tapi kalau dah bukit tu bukit jugak.

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